Psychopaths exist. And when they’re in a position of power they can and will do a massive amount of harm. Some psychologists think they can help despite the reams of evidence that the only thing psychology accomplishes for the psychopath is to make them better at hiding who and what they are.
I know this because I’ve educated myself on the topic for years. I’ve done this because I’ve lived with and been the target of psychopaths for most of life.
” Many of these people, legally judged as competent, are more dangerous to themselves and to others than are some patients whose psychiatric disability will necessitate their spending their entire lives in the state hospital. Though certified automatically as sane by the verbal definitions of law and of medicine, their behavior demonstrates an irrationality and incompetence that are gross and obvious.”
“They are classed as sane and competent and, theoretically at least, are held responsible for their conduct. Being so classed, none of the measures used to protect other psychiatric patients (and their families and the community) can be applied to bring them under any sort of treatment or restriction, even when they show themselves dangerously disordered.” Mask of Sanity - Cleckley
If they’re wealthy, well-connected and in positions of power, these “dangerously disordered” individuals consider themselves above the law and subject everyone to their “irrationality and incompetence” with impunity. They are not only a danger to themselves and others but they are a danger to society as a whole. This has become increasingly obvious in the last few years.
In Canada, we put a serial killer/rapist in charge of our top-secret military base in Dubai and gave him command of our largest air force base in Canada. We’ve had serial killers as paid police informants who murdered for years until community outrage and pressure finally resulted in them getting caught and convicted. We paid a pedophile in Ontario to develop our children’s provincial sex education curriculum. Just to name a few.
Last but not least, a malignant psychopath was given the Directorship of the RCMP Security Service from 1970 to 1973. In 1987 we gave him an “honorary membership” in CSIS (whatever that means) and let him run rogue, committing crimes against individual Canadians for years, with complete impunity until his death in 2014.
My story, as a target of that rogue ex-agent, and my research into his activities targeting others is the evidence of that fact.
As I indicated in Series 1: When A Spy Goes Rogue. Overview John Kennett Starnes, retired Director of the RCMP SS, his cohort, Cyril Reitman, wealthy dilletante, and the core male participants, in what effectively became a Canada’s Epstein-style cult were/are, in my opinion, psychopaths and sociopaths. Their wives/partners are nothing but shallow, self-loathing hangers on who will do anything to maintain their social status. There is only one woman in this circle that acted on her own and I believe she is a rare female psychopath.
When A Spy Goes Rogue, Pt 2: Who Are These People?
I’ve determined this assessment based on their behavior. I don’t know them personally, and am not a clinical psychologist. I’m their target and an observer of their abuses of power and corruption against me and others.
Now that Starnes and Cyril Reitman have croaked (2014), this has become a multi-generational cult and I’ve now become the target of three generations of what, in my opinion, can only be described as mentally deranged Reitman’s and their cult member followers who are driven by greed and hate.
When A Spy Goes Rogue, Pt 3: Why Do I Think These People Are Involved?
As I’ve stated repeatedly in my previous articles, I don’t know these people and have never done anything to them, or anyone else for that matter. They are not targeting me in retaliation.
The fact is their constant and ongoing appearance in my life, both directly and through their cohorts is anomalous and only makes sense when you factor in the unusual and extreme medical interference, medical abuses & “illnesses” I’ve had to deal with over a period of 50+ years along with the constant and ongoing smear and hate campaigns targeting me, mostly by people who have never met me and don’t know me.
When A Spy Goes Rogue, Pt 4: The Hippocratic Oath Dies in the Darkness
These include frame-ups by women impersonating me whose actions are intended to incite hatred in certain communities, softening up those communities so that they can be recruited to engage in hate and smear campaigns against me. The communities change constantly depending on where the cult has influence and where I’m active at any given time.
The Reitman’s and their cohorts are not the police, intelligence, or from any other legitimate policing agency. They are a private third-party. They frequently bribe (with cash and/or favors) police, intelligence & other members of policing agencies, including private investigators and black ops contractors, to do their bidding and to act as cover to protect them from criminal and other legal action.
All of this makes their and their bribed minions actions targeting me, illegal and often criminal. They are engaged in a hostile and malicious campaign to discredit and smear me as a cover for their medical abuse/non-consensual medical experimentation on me.
When A Spy Goes Rogue, Pt 5: The End Game?
I’m exposing their agenda in order to defend myself and my reputation in the face of their crimes against me, and will continue to do so despite their lame attempts to intimidate and harass me into silence.
I refer to them as Canada’s Epsteins because their overall goals are consistent with those of other Epstein cults: achieving power and expanding their power base through blackmail, bribery, frame-ups, and influence-peddling, by compromising those in positions of power and influence. When all else fails, uncompromised/uncompromisable individuals are “removed” one way or another so that they can be replaced with compromised individuals who are more compliant and willing to submit to the demands of the cult. This has been done with politicians, police chiefs, RCMP and OPP Commissioners, Policing and Intelligence Review Agencies, Ministers, Corporate CEOs and Corporate Boards of Directors, just to name a few.
When A Spy Goes Rogue, Pt 6: Murder and Mayhem
In the 1950s, when the Starnes/Reitman cult targeted, framed and had Greta Goede convicted of kidnapping, they were able to pull it off quickly and easily (over a period of a couple of months) because Greta was new to Toronto, hadn’t established herself and was relatively isolated, socially.
In addition, Greta’s first job in Toronto was with their relatives who had access to her private information, including her resume. They also had a family friend in the Montreal police force who took charge of the “investigation” and a cousin, Jeremy Reitman (now deceased) with media connections who pushed their preferred narrative.
It was, essentially, a surgical strike against a single woman, whose only crime was that she was German, and who didn’t have a chance against a group of psychopaths. Two of whom were connected to and had experience in Intelligence work: John Kennett Starnes and Ewen Cameron. All three: Starnes, Reitman and Cameron were well-established and well-connected in Montreal.
Greta wasn’t a Nazi, her husband (deceased at the time) wasn’t a member of the SS and before her arrest she never spent time in any psychiatric facility. She was German, he was a Polish construction worker, and the rehabilitation she underwent was physical therapy not psychotherapy. These were all lies being spread by MSM whose main source for their stories was Jeremy Reitman, Cyril’s cousin.
She had no training or experience that might have helped her see what was coming and protect herself from it.
When A Spy Goes Rogue, Pt 7: Censorship, Greta Goede, CSIS and Shameless Hypocrisy
In the 1970s, when I was 16, and they put me on their hit list, they further developed their methodology based on their experience with Greta Goede. All of the fundamental components were there but they gradually expanded on them. And they were in a much stronger position to do so.
PROFUNC, the predecessor of Operation Checkmate
Starnes was now the Director of the RCMP SS, in a position of power, and I was what the RCMP derogatorily called: “A Red Diaper Baby” or, just a vulnerable 16-year-old teenager, the daughter of a past communist (deceased) and the niece of the founder of CPC(M-L).
Note that I have a huge number of relatives on both sides of my family in Canada. Many with similar biographies to mine, including my siblings. Starnes didn’t target me because of my biography. That was his excuse to target me and he exaggerated the relationship by lying and claiming I was a communist. Just like he did with Greta when he lied and claimed she was a Nazi. He was a malignant psychopath who targeted women and young girls who didn’t have the resources to stand up to him.
Source: Spying 101 : The RCMP's Secret Activities at Canadian Universities, 1917-1997
In my case, the “disruptive activity” I was engaged in was merely existing. I had done nothing that would warrant making me a target at that time, legally or otherwise. Apparently my “crime” was being “pretty” (according to an anonymous phone call threatening to target me).
The fact that Starnes was unable to get his cohorts in the Reitman family to recruit me into Ellen Reitman’s sex and child abuse cult or get any of his skanks close to me, probably didn’t help. Ellen is Cyril Reitman’s niece.
Ex-members of the Shyam Space cult, in their own words:
The FBI agent I met during that period, when I was 16, had no interest in or concerns about me and the FBI was full into COINTEL PRO during the 1960s and 1970s. Even a modicum of concern would have made me their target as well and yet I was never targeted by them. In later years they investigated a false accusation made against me by the Starnes/Reitman cultists and then dismissed it. This lie was intended to make it difficult for me to cross the border into the US.
If I had been a Fed or a Snitch, both the FBI and CSIS would have protected me from the Starnes/Reitman cult.
I never went that route nor will I ever go that route and both agencies know this. It’s not like they haven’t tried.
Obviously, they didn’t protect me, and aren’t protecting me because I continue to be a target, but to their credit they didn’t go along with the Starnes/Reitman lies either.
Not for the most part anyway.
When A Spy Goes Rogue, Conclusion: Operation Checkmate and John Kennett Starnes
From 2014 to 2016, when Jeff Yaworski, the son of Operation Checkmate’s Ron Yaworski was the Director of Operations of CSIS (Canada’s version of the CIA), CSIS did illegally target me with a disrupt and destroy campaign which violated my civil rights and involved illegal, if not, criminal activity on their part.
It included a cybermercenary who was initially recruited by the Starnes/Reitman cult and had already implemented an online version of the hate campaign in 2013 by recruiting a small group of trolls to target me on social media, and continued it online until approximately 2017/2018. A 50K bounty was placed on my head to “erase me from the Internet” (paraphrased).
Another cybermercenary appeared during the duration of the official CSIS campaign as well, using the handle Anonymous York Region:
This account was run by a person who had the same last name as the Director of CSIS at that time: Coulombe, and who may or may not have been his relative. He disappeared after the disrupt and destroy campaign targeting me was over. This account was quite hostile to me personally and appeared to be more interested in collecting information about other accounts as well as disrupting groups through their rumor-mongering and dramas than any actual Anonymous campaigns.
The official and illegal CSIS campaign began in September, 2014, 9 months before the new legislation authorizing disrupt and destroy campaigns received Royal Assent (became law) in June, 2015 and under that legislation required a judicial warrant when civil rights were violated.
This was the only time CSIS targeted me. It was instigated directly by Starnes, with the collaboration of his buddy’s son, Jeff Yaworski, Director of Operations for CSIS at the time. Unfortunately for him he croaked four months later (December, 2014) and never got to enjoy his handiwork.
When I was targeted under Operation Checkmate it was by CSIS predecessor, the RCMP SS and also instigated by Starnes.
In 2006, Homeland Security through a Starnes/Reitman contact, had false information placed in a file about me which resulted in me being blocked from working in the US.
At least I assume that’s what prevented me from getting a job I qualified for and could have worked at remotely from Canada.
I’m assuming the job wasn’t just another Starnes/Reitman scam to steal my ID so that the Asian woman impersonating me from approximately 2004 and on, both IRL and online, could continue her fraudulent activities, under my name, in Canada and other countries, using a duplicated copy of my passport, most likely provided to her illegally by Starnes. This is also quite possible.
He appears to have changed his tactic in 2008. (Did the skank get caught?)
In 2008, after I returned from BVI for a job interview, my new passport was stolen. Coincidentally, that job offer was suddenly withdrawn. Later, with the assistance of my apartment building Superintendent, Starnes and she, criminally colluded to steal my replacement passport as well, presumably so that this impersonator could travel under my name legally, instead of using illegal copies of a passport when I didn’t have one. I was working at the time so I can prove that it wasn’t me travelling during that period. And the only person who had access to my apartment was the building superintendent. I had/have special security keys and the locks can’t be picked. My balcony windows had/have security bars on them.
The white women impersonating me in Ontario were a different group.
AFTER Starnes targeted me in the early 1970s, I became a little more active but was still just on the fringes focusing more on college than activism, unlike my older brother, Rick, and my cousin, both of whom worked full-time for CPC(M-L) and neither of whom were targeted other than to successfully get his recruits close to them in the late 1970s and early 1980s (years later).
This cousin, opportunist and sellout, Indira Nunner and her partner in crime, Manny Gitterman, as well as my younger brother, lawyer and fraudster (“cocaine made me do it”) who I believe is also a psychopath, all got into bed with the Starnes/Reitman cult. Manny’s relationship with the Starnes/Reitman cult is of particular interest because of their reaction when I outed it, that is, their rather lame and desperate attempts to remove evidence online of their working relationship up to and including 2023. It raises some interesting questions.
My uncle was also targeted in the early days but only for a short period of time, and mostly by the FBI. Other members of CPC(M-L) were targeted but only around the period Operation Checkmate was active and then later in the 1980s when large numbers, including my uncle and me, became ill from various illnesses.
While it’s also true that many were subjected to various forms of harassment, it was minimal compared to what was done to me. They weren’t made targets of the type of all-encompassing, years-long, vicious campaign that I was. Not even close. And I wasn’t even a communist.
State-Sanctioned Black Ops and Cover-Ups by Anna Di Carlo
Starnes was either too much of a coward or too incompetent a spy to take on a real challenge like my uncle or the CPC(M-L) leadership, who had the resources and support to stand up to him on a more level playing field.
Neither Starnes nor the Reitman’s appear to have been interested in targeting real German Nazis either. Some of whom were living peaceful comfortable lives in Canada for years as was most of CPC(M-L).
Taking on single women, alone in the world (Greta), 16-year-olds, single parent soccer moms and their children, and vulnerable retirees (me through the years), was/is more Starnes and the Reitman cults’ style and apparently about all he and they could manage.
Starnes made one “contribution” to the spying industry: Dirty Tricks programs targeting the innocent as well as legitimate dissenters using methods like stalking, criminal harassment, as well as physical, medical, psychological and community abuse of the vulnerable.
None of which involved going after any real spies or any real threats to Canada’s National Security. All of which involved targeting anyone he didn’t like or anyone who wouldn’t go along with his scams.
Neither he nor his partners in crime ever targeted leaders or major players other than for short periods of time, when they were in a strong position of power, or could do so from a safe position, hiding in the shadows, like the cowardly, weak, little men they were. And it was usually to get someone out of the way so that they could replace them with someone they could control.
Our country is in the hands of these fascists and extremists hiding behind the mask of “liberalism” and they’ve been destroying it bit by bit to feed their insatiable greed and thirst for power, for years.
Michael Ignatieff called it before he resigned as Liberal Leader and was replaced by Trudeau:
“This goes beyond the Liberal Party. This is about our country. This is about our democracy. RISE UP! We have got to fight here. We have got to stand and fight. RISE UP! ... This is about what kind of democracy we want to leave our children … We have got to fight and win … This is about the country you love, so RISE UP, Canada.” -- Michael Ignatieff - RISE UP! — Video
They only bribe officers and officials in order to blackmail them in the future: in that sense psychopaths are very good at business!
The over-riding impression, though, from this side of the pond is that most of this was to keep Canadian agents, officers and detectives too busy to investigate actual foreign agents, subversives or organised crime figures. Look at all the effort the UK's Special Branch put into investigating the Union leader Arthur Scargill during the period when they were not investigating paedophile rings in Parliament (Cyril Smith, Greville Janner), the attempt by Liberal party figures to procure the murder of Jeremy Thorpe's lover, Norman Scott or the swift and still ongoing rise of the gangster David Hunt who is now considered a threat to national security and who at least helped create the culture of corruption in the Metropolitan Police Service which is the real reason the investigations into the murders of Daniel Morgan and Stephen Lawrence failed and may even be why the investigation into the murder of Jill Dando "will never be solved." (In the words of a former SIO on the case who clearly didn't want to be seen letting that investigation take a single step towards Broadcasting House, where so many paedophiles enjoyed so much protection over two generations.)
The recent witch-hunt against Nigel Farage and tens of thousands of other "racists" (including the nicely brown and if anything left-wing Gina Miller!) is much the same thing: shining the spotlight where the real crooks are not.